Saturday, February 03, 2007

Battle Of Pennsylvania? What is it?

OK so you'll see here so far there are a few penguins related posts here. The point of this site as it gets going is to bring on a few more Penguins & Flyers bloggers to blog about both teams and give you Pens and Flyers fans to comment on the posts.

I got this idea from some commenters on the Battle Of Ontario. I live in Ottawa (Up in Canada) so I don't get to see many Pens games live, have gone down to Philly to see some battle of Pennsylvania's. Trying to head down to see the game in Pittsburgh on the 18th against the Flyers.

If you are interested in contributing to the Battle of Pennsylvania send me an email at I will also be scouring the web to see if I can find some guys/ladies to contribute.

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